Monday, March 16, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015

More Book Links

This is a link to my Barnes and Noble books.
And at !ndigo, a Kobo ebook.
On iTunes.
My stuff on Pinterest.
ebook mall

Just so they are known.

Monday, March 9, 2015

A Little Tangent

Hi all. I found this video that is related to another series that I am writing. And though it is not related to the Hallowedspell universe whatsoever, I wanted to share it.

It's about Mars and coincidentally supports the premise of my Martian Prophecies series to such a giggling extent I just could not resist. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Interesting Celebratory Food

I just found this place in Portland called Voodoo Doughnut... where they make all these psycho flavored donuts including one shaped like a voodoo doll and stuffed with raspberry filling, including a pretzel stake in it's heart. So, I'll be taking an adventure there to try them out. So far, I've only heard about them.  It is a cash only place, which for me (who does not really carry cash) is a little annoying. But I guess they'd rather keep it simple. Here are their locations.

Anyway... I love raspberry filling so this should prove fun.

Well, after discovering Voodoo Doughnut I was thinking about what foods do you use to celebrate a Halloween party while still trying to construct the ultimate Halloween dance party music mix. I'm more for taste than gross-out. And, admittedly, I like all the Harry Potter fare that's out there. I mean, who doesn't want to try a butter beer after reading the books and watching the show?

Which makes me wonder... should I mess around with foods in the Hallowedspell Universe also? What are your thoughts?

Well, on Halloween, just so you know, my family makes this stuff we call Dragon's Breath.
It's basically a lemon-lime/citrus punch with sherbet and dry ice--but presentation makes all the difference.

This here is a freebie from a Halloween book I've been working on:



I'll post my ultimate Halloween party play list later.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March, St. Patrick's Day Stories Available

March is one of those busy months.... full of this and that. But mostly green stuff. I will  be wearing my Pi day tee to commemorate the once-in-a-lifetime which I will also eat pie.
But for St. Patty's Day I will share this. Don't forget to wear your green!

Out of Luck
digital copy

A HallowedSpell Novella Vimp Novellas: Book 4 Out of Luck 
print on demand copy