Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fairies... are they sweet or something else?

Photo taken of what people once believed to be real fairies.

It is pretty popular today to depict fairies as sweet things, but in ancient myths and legends fairies were anything but. So, I think I'll start talking about faerie folk, starting with these clips I found on YouTube.

This is more what mythic faeries are like.

Faeries were creatures that ruled the wild, and ran by their own rules. Their civilization could be best described as savage and elegant - at the same time.

The Faerie Folk in the our modern world is defined as all kinds of elves, fairies, gnomes, etc., and supernatural creatures. But in the Hallowedspell Universe they are defined as non-malignant supernatural beings just below the angels.

Many are human-like, share enough genetics with human beings so that cross-breeding is possible. But Faerie Folk are endowed with powers to influence the world around them. Initially, the faerie folk were part of the Creation of this world. They held dominion over certain parts of it, like caretakers.

Now Fairies specifically are particularly mischievous winged creatures that like to accompany elves. In a way, the original Peter Pan (not Disney's) fairy is closest. They are passionate, which can make it seem like they are so small only one emotion can reside in them at a time. However, this is just silly. They mostly are just fond of frolicking.

Hallowedspell fairies love gardens, wildflowers, and untended wooded areas. Their thoughts are more animal-like than human-like, though. Most of the time, they think about fun and games. But remember, fun and games to them might not be fun and games to those they torment.

In the Creation, fairies were supposed to aid the elves in the work - but they tended to follow the lead of other rather than think independently. In many ways, they are like familiars to elves. They are not under the same curse as the elves are (which I will explain later), though most fairies have followed the elves into hiding.

Friday, June 19, 2015

More Book Trailers Out

The YouTube Playlist

Without a Shadow

Mistletoe is a Vampiric Plant

Bleeding Hearts

Out of Luck

Knight Stalker

Full Moon Hike
More to come....

Friday, May 22, 2015

Spirit Warriors

I haven't updated in a while.... Sorry. Been busy.
In the Hallowedspell Universe there are 2 known Spirit Warriors.
The first is the more typical one: a Navajo named Tommy Whitefeather. The second is a Chinese boy by the name of Bai Nian Chen. Both possess the ability to shape shift into various animals.


Thomas Whitefeather, a.k.a Tommy, is a survivor of a demon massacre. His tribe were all spirit warriors who battled dangerous supernatural beings. But as they had become powerful, they drew the attention of the Unseelie Court, and they raided his village. His uncle and Tommy were some of the very few who had escaped. Tommy ended up at Gulinger Private Academy long before the main characters of the stories got there, and he had graduated long before Rick Deacon had arrived.
After graduation from Gulinger, Tommy went to college, leaning towards recreational management and forestry...but he continued to train in the ways of his people as a demon hunter. He later joined the SRA (Supernatural Regulators Association) as a demon hunter, and he is one of the most recognized hunters in the SRA since the McDillans. Tommy holds a lot of prejudice towards anyone with demon blood. In fact, Tommy generally hates anyone connected to the Unseelie Court, which is the main reason he disliked Tom Brown on sight (Tom is an unofficial member because of his half-imp blood). But after meeting Michael Toms of the new Holy Seven he has relaxed some.
Bai Nian Chen was born in mainland China but was smuggled to the United States by witch to China Town, New York where he grew up in isolation. The witch had taken him from his parents at a young age and had lied to him to control his gift. She told him it was a curse, which she could control and use to tell 'fortunes' while also blackmailing people. Chen is able to read the pasts of people he touches. Also, if hugged or accidentally bumping hard into someone, he turns into their year of the Chinese Zodiac. He was rescued from the witch by Officer Johnson of NYPD homicide when he was sixteen and taken to Gulinger Private Academy before going on to college. The kids at Gulinger taught him that his ability was a gift and not a curse. He learned how to transform at will to any of the animals within the Chinese Zodiac he wished while also limiting his accidental transformation rate considerably. Chen's ended up defeating the witch that had kidnapped him by transforming into a Chinese celestial dragon and eating her in one bite. His people had combatted the Chinese New Year demon for generations.

Spirit warriors in the Hallowedspell Universe are human beings who probably have elf blood in them, going far back. Their gift is natural, and cultivated by their people. They are some of the more powerful ghoulies in the Halloweedspell universe, as they have  more control of their natures than most.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Second Book Trailer Out!!!

This book trailer is for the Tales from Gulinger High.

For paperbacks, go here.
For digital, go here.

This is my second book trailer ever. But there will be more to come.
I'll be doing individual trailers for each book later on.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My First Book Trailer is out on YouTube!!!

I have no idea why this website turns her orange eyes black, but it did.
Ok, I am still a really big amateur at this, but I got really giddy making this book trailer.

This advertises my Vimp novella series, of which I intend to have a few more books added as soon as I get my head sewn on straight.

In the mean time, enjoy this video.

And here are the books available in Kindle at

The next film is actually part of a joke I was messing around with. In the Tales from Gulinger High, Tale Twenty-Two: The Armed and the Dangerous, Tom Brown doodles a lot in his textbook. I wanted originally to make a flip book in the corners of my final copy of Tales from Gulinger High collection (which maybe someday I'll finagle) putting in Tom's doodles. This is one of them.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015